
Showing posts from February, 2022

How often do you tell yourself "I can't do it?"

  How often do you tell your self " I can't do it?" I want to write this blog, following conversations that I have had over the last few months, when asking people to support me on ventures, encouraging them to challenge themselves and they reply "I cant do that". You are such an inspiration, with the things you do.  Over the years I have always been a lover of learning new things. Going on courses, meeting new people, gaining knowledge and semi - stepping out of my comfort zone.  When I was 17 years of age, I was asked to capsize a small boat and I refused to do it because of FEAR. When I was 25, I applied for a promotion and after being offered the role, i turned it down due to FEAR.  In 2005, I was given the opportunity to train to become an athletic coach, I was nervous putting myself forward to learn how to coach people. Once I completed the training, I believed I should know it all, thinking this way put me in FEAR mode.  When in FEAR mode, what did I do? ...

What is TARC EFT

What is Tarc EFT As you are all aware I am Jo Brown a wellbeing coach and TARC EFT practitioner. In this group you will see me post videos of Angela and Myself tapping using TARC EFT, I thought I would spend a little time explaining what TARC EFT is and what benefits does it have allowing you to improve your wellbeing. Firstly, TARC EFT uses a few modalities together allowing the practitioner the opportunity to support clients allowing them to clear more deep-rooted issues. The founder of TARC EFT Rachel Earing wanted to go deeper into how EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) worked. EFT works the same as acupuncture without the needles, which involves tapping around the different meridians, everything in life is an energy and vibrates, what happens over time with our bodies we develop blockages in our energy system and this can develop into physical and emotional conditions. When Rachel started exploring, she began to realise that there was an effective time for each meridian to wo...

Stretching Yourself

Stretching yourself Are you feeling bored? When was the last time you did something that really challenged you? Are you feeling lost? Do you feel there's more to you than you're giving in life and getting from life? Are you feeling unfulfilled? Have you often wished you could do things that are exciting and adventurous but so far haven't plucked up the courage yet? Life is to short. You have to DO things to change your life and make YOU grow. It’s not enough to offer platitudes and affirmations, we need inner skills made by outer experiences. When I made the decision to get out of my comfort zone and into my stretch zone, my life really did change I became a stronger, more confident woman and life became fun and exciting. I am now taking clients on a journey allowing them to get out of their comfort zone. Into their stretch zone where the life lessons happen and they get to become physically and mentally stronger I walk the talk! When you join me on one of these j...

Making Choices

  Choices Over the last few weeks, I have been faced with situations that spell out choices. What do I mean? People being tired, unmotivated, angry and anxious. To explain this a little more, I will explain some of the situations that I was in. For a long time, I felt all of these, when I had FEAR of making a decision on how to change my situation. I would cry why me? Why does this always happen to me? When will things change? I was angry being stuck in a job that I did not enjoy, I was anxious because I wondered why my life was not changing, why was I always facing the same challenges. Why was I always scared? I would give so much to people, wanting them to understand how I was feeling and always saying “yes” to people to make them happy or so they would like me or even one day do the same for me… That never really happened. In 2016, I broke up from a relationship that affected me a lot, I was heartbroken, I had never felt such deep love. I was in such a low place;...