Making Choices



Over the last few weeks, I have been faced with situations that spell out choices.

What do I mean?

People being tired, unmotivated, angry and anxious.

To explain this a little more, I will explain some of the situations that I was in.

For a long time, I felt all of these, when I had FEAR of making a decision on how to change my situation. I would cry why me? Why does this always happen to me? When will things change?

I was angry being stuck in a job that I did not enjoy, I was anxious because I wondered why my life was not changing, why was I always facing the same challenges. Why was I always scared?

I would give so much to people, wanting them to understand how I was feeling and always saying “yes” to people to make them happy or so they would like me or even one day do the same for me… That never really happened.

In 2016, I broke up from a relationship that affected me a lot, I was heartbroken, I had never felt such deep love. I was in such a low place; In December 2016 I remember watching a TV soap and thinking I can not do this anymore. I switched the TV off and unplugged it and put the TV in the corner of my room.

I started to make different choices


So how did my choices change?


I chose to acknowledge the part I was playing in my problems.

I started to explore why I felt the way I did

I learnt to say “Yes” to opportunities

I learnt to say “no” to things that don’t serve me.

I learnt to step out of my “comfort zone”

Here is a Ted Talk by Caroline Myss talking about the 5 Choices that Change your life


What did making these choices do?

I learnt how to be happy myself and not just make others happy.

I developed new skills to help others clear their emotions

I got new hobbies that meant I developed new skills

I got the confidence to believe in myself


Do you want to make different choices? Book a call with Jo today. Ready to make difference choices


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