Do you live Vicariously?

Do you live vicariously? The is the definition of Vicarious from the Collins dictionary vicarious in British English ADJECTIVE 1. obtained or undergone at second hand through sympathetic participation in another's experiences Do you do any of the following? Reading about or watching others live your dreams instead of reaching them yourself. Spending lots of time on social media wishing you had what others have. Dictating what hobbies or interests your children or loved ones take part in. Encouraging others to take chances you won’t. Actively seek celebrity gossip. Binge watching reality TV. Becoming intensely interested in characters from television, movies, or books. If so, you are living vicariously. Living vicariously through someone is not usually done on purpose. What we perceive as good intentions can easily turn into vicarious living. The way society as gone over the last 10 to 20 years w...