The only constant in life is change.
This weeks been an interesting week and has been a lot about change. One thing about life is that the only thing that is constant in life is change.
How do you deal with change?
For a long time I would struggle with change due to having FEAR of the unknown, not knowing how things where going to work out.
I now accept change and look for the silver lining. When your life changes and becomes challenging it is a time for growth to make us stronger.
You can choose to feel the overwhelm and FEAR of the change or you can accept it and decide how we are going to deal with the challenge.
Types of change
There are two types of change: One that you are in control of and one that comes along and becomes a major challenge.
Being in control of change can be uncomfortable but when you take action and make decisions how you want your life to be, it can be exciting, liberating and leave you feeling fulfilled in life.
If you fail to take action and make changes to your life, we may experience major challenges, you have two options. One may be to react like a victim and say "Why me?" or "Why does this always happen to me?" or you can put on your big girl/boy pants on and take action to take control of the situation.
Allowing you to feel more in control of your life and allow the situation to change to a more comfortable situation in a way that you desire.
What happens when we embrace change?
When you embrace change, that is when you GROW. What does grow mean? It means you can become emotionally stronger, resilient, allowing you to bounce back quicker. Allowing you to keep moving forward so that you can achieve the life you want.
Are you dealing with change?
What changes are you dealing with? Are you making the decisions to change or are you being sent the challenges to make you grow?
When dealing with change having support can make the change easier to deal with. If you are dealing with change and feel overwhelmed or would like some support, find someone who's experienced the change and been able to deal with it.
If you want to learn more about dealing with change book a call I want to know more about dealing with change
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