Challenge Completed

Challenge completed

In November I set myself a challenge of doing a blog for every day in January 2022. My plan was to prepare the blogs in advance and then I took on extra work of delivering.

I never got the blogs done, but I did not back out on my challenge. Today is the 31st of January and I have completed 31 blogs.

How do I feel? I feel proud that I completed my challenge. 

Was it a challenge? Yes I had to work around other commitments, continue to promote my business, train for the Pennine way, laptop issues and also what content to write about.

Who held me accountable? Me, over the last few years, I have learnt to be accountable to myself to know that I am doing the best I can to allow me to achieve my mission. 

The most important thing is I stuck at it and completed the challenge.

I will continue the blogs but not on a daily basis, I will now go to twice weekly. If there is any specific topic you would like me to blog about please do comment below. 

Do you set yourself challenges? 

Do you want to set yourself challenges and have someone to be accountable too? Book a call with Jo I want to challenge myself


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