What is Intellectual Wellbeing?


What is Intellectual Wellbeing?

Intellectual wellbeing is when you have critical thinking, creativity and curiosity. You will look for challenges and opportunities in life to innovate your thinking, you will analyse which will allow you to solve problems.


When we take the time to look for challenges and opportunities to innovate our thinking it allows you to expand your knowledge and skills. When you do this, you will start to see what you are really capable of and this will allow you to transform your life.


How do you find opportunities? You look for tasks that give you enthusiasm when you are thinking of learning new things. This will offer you motivation, attention and focus which will impact your intellectual wellbeing.


Explore what your passion or values are in life are important, bringing these into your life will encourage, motivate and focus your attention which will keep your intellectual wellbeing healthy.


                                                Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 

Looking at your social circle

What is your social circle like?  

Does it offer you a stimulating conversation?

As humans we are social creatures, when we are exposed to a different view point this can teach you to become flexible and offer you opportunities to learn responses and how you can consider others in our interactions.


Why do you want to become emotionally intelligent?

This offers you the opportunity to have the capacity to have rational thoughts which will allow you to delay the attack response.

This will allow you to improve your personal and professional relationships.


How do you become emotionally Intelligent?

You can become self-aware and to allow you to identify your emotional state.


When your intellectual wellbeing suffers, you may experience distress, low mood, anxiety. This can occur when you are not receiving stimulation from challenges in life and you will begin to “feel stuck in a rut”, you will feel apathetic with life. Your behaviour will change and you will develop feelings of low self-worth.

When you are anxious, you will develop a negative thought pattern, you can develop a perfectionist tendency that will that prevent you from taking risks or trying new things in life.

This can develop into a vicious circle and be difficult to get free from on your own.


How can you increase your intellectual wellbeing?

You can start by being open to new experiences and knowledge. It may be a simple idea or event that will create a shift in your perspective. When you achieve this, it will allow your thoughts to start to become more positive that will allow you to transform your life.


Working with a wellbeing coach offers you a safe space to explore and break through your thoughts and allow you to transform your life journey.


Book a call with Jo and we can discuss how we can allow you to achieve a stronger intellectual wellbeing. Let me get better Intellectual Wellbeing


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