What is Spiritual wellbeing?
Spiritual wellbeing
Spiritual wellbeing is when we know what our purpose, values, principles and beliefs are and
we start to live our life to achieve the aim.
What is a purpose? When you have a purpose, you do it with determination.
You have an aim or intention in mind on what you want to achieve.
What are your values? These are your fundamental beliefs that determine your behaviour.
How you treat people. How you live your life.
What are your principles? Principles are a moral belief of what is right and wrong
and what influences your actions. They act as a moral
What are your beliefs? These are your individual foundations that you build your life on.
What type of beliefs do you have limiting ones or
ones that help you grow?
How do you find your purpose and values?
According to Dr John Demartini
you can tell your purpose from your surroundings.
Anything that does not touch your purpose will be unfulfilling to you.
Here is a video of his explanation. https://youtu.be/zuznrnKgyhU
Once you determine your values,
you can then structure your
life to achieve your highest priorities in your life with motivation.
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