Excuses and Triggers
Excuses and Triggers
Have you been trying to get healthy?
Do you feel like you never get to achieve your goal?
This can be down to your excuses and triggers; you also have
to want to achieve the goal. Do you truly desire it? If you don’t the excuses
will come.
Do you know your excuses?
Do you know what your triggers are?
Every day we go through a range of emotions, from joy, anger
frustration, disappointment and confusion these are just a few.
Behind the excuses there will be triggers and some of the
triggers may be
Challenged beliefs
Being out of control
Being excluded or ignored
Disapproval or criticism
When you make excuses, this is the greatest way to give up
on your desire to change. You will find so many reasons on why you can give up
I don’t have the time
I’m not fit enough
It is too hard to fit in
This can become a problem when you believe the excuses and
give up, with a sense of justification.
When you become aware of the excuses, it allows you to see
them for what they are a reason to give up. You now have permission to tell the
excuse where to go, this is not a reason to judge yourself and be hard on
yourself for making the excuse. They way through this is to encourage yourself
to continue moving forward and actively achieve the goal you are aiming for.
What are your triggers?
Have you had a hard day and just want to chill out on the couch
with the crisps? Instead of cooking a meal and meditating.
Are you upset?
Are you tired?
Are you having a hard time in your relationships?
When you become aware of your triggers you can set a plan in
place for when these triggers occur, which over time will become easier to deal
When the slips happen, remember you do not have to beat yourself
up, you have to just pick yourself up and carry on.
FAIL is the First Attempt In Learning
Are you ready to explore your excuses and triggers? Book a
Call with Jo to allow you develop a strategy to achieve your goals
I am ready to explore my triggers and excuses
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